Mar. 09, 2016 Download
House lawmakers joined dozens of Penn State Ag Council members and 4-H members Wednesday in the state capitol to call for the restoration of more than $50 million in funding for the university’s agriculture research and extension programs. A failure to restore the funding vetoed in December by Governor Wolf would force Penn State University to begin shutting down its agriculture operations and outreach by May 1st, putting at risk an estimated 1,100 jobs within Penn State Extension and research. In addition to the impact on jobs, eliminating the $50 million investment could cause an economic loss for the state of more than $260 million. And it would also mean an end to Penn State’s 4-H program, which helps to prepare future leaders in the state’s agriculture community. Rep. Dan Moul (R-Adams & Franklin) attended the event and commented on the effort to restore this crucial funding.
Mar. 04, 2016 Download
At a press conference held in Camp Hill on Friday, Republican lawmakers emphasized the damage being done to the Commonwealth by the Governor’s decisions to cut vital funding, already approved by the legislature, for education, agriculture, corrections, and other critical services. Several House Republicans questioned the Governor’s motives in calling for increased education funding, but then personally cutting $3 Billion in the final 2015/16 budget agreement.
Feb. 09, 2016 Download
House lawmakers offered their reactions to Gov. Tom Wolf’s spending proposal for fiscal year 2016-17, which he announced today in an address before a joint session of the General Assembly. The governor’s budget plan would increase taxes on working Pennsylvanians and employers by $3.6 billion and spending by 10 percent, or $3 billion, and calls for $33.3 billion in total spending. To support his proposed spending plan the governor has proposed 15 new tax increases, including a retroactive increase in the Personal Income Tax on Pennsylvania workers.
Jan. 21, 2016 Download
Legislation that would remove the monetary limit on payouts for small games of chance was the topic of a recent hearing held by the House Gaming Oversight Committee. Rep. Dan Moul (R-Adams) said his bill would allow clubs and non-profits with small games of chance licenses to maximize the benefits of gaming for their organizations as well as their communities at large.