Moul Honors Bicentennial Farm Family at Farm Show
HARRISBURG – At the Pennsylvania Farm Show today, Rep. Dan Moul (R-Adams) presented a House citation to Brett Pohlman, son of Bruce and Beverly Pohlman of New Oxford, Adams County, after the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture awarded the Pohlmans its Bicentennial Farm Award.
A bicentennial farm is one that has remained in the same family for 200 years. The Pohlman family farm, located on Centennial Road, has been in the family since it was purchased in 1814 by Philip Fleshman. Today, the Pohlman family, descendants of Fleshman, grow corn, soybeans, wheat and hay on the 120-acre farm.
“These legacy farms are a tribute to the perseverance of our farm families and Pennsylvania’s farming tradition,” said Moul. “We are fortunate to have strong agriculture programs such as 4-H and the FFA, and scholarships that encourage younger generations to pursue agriculture as a vocation and way of life.”
Adams County has five bicentennial farms and 32 century farms.
To see Moul’s remarks and interview with the Pohlman family following today’s award ceremony, visit
Representative Dan Moul
91st District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Donna Pinkham