Feb. 06, 2019
HARRISBURG – Rep. Dan Moul (R-Adams) announced the 2019 adult trout stocking schedules are now available in preparation for opening day of trout season in April.
More than 700 streams and 120 lakes will be stocked as a part of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission’s (PFBC) 2019 adult trout stocking program. The PFBC will stock nearly 3.2 million adult trout in Pennsylvania rivers and streams that are open to the public for fishing.
About 53 percent of the trout are stocked prior to opening day, 43 percent are stocked between opening day and the end of May, and the remaining 4 percent are stocked from October through February of the following year.
Opening Day of trout season will be Saturday, March 30, for Pennsylvania’s southeastern counties. The rest of the state will open on Saturday, April 13.
Copies of the trout stocking schedules, including a searchable database, can be found online on the PFBC website or the PFBC’s “FishBoatPA” mobile app. A limited number of hard copies of the trout stocking schedules may also be obtained at my district office, 30 W. Middle St., Gettysburg.
Representative Dan Moul
91st District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Donna Pinkham